Rp 300.000

SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Computed Radiography (CR) is a Digital Radiography that can replace conventional radiography in making radiographic film processes easier and faster without the need for Darkroom. This tool uses an image plate film that can be used up to 1,000 times…

  • Lab Karakterisasi Nuklir - Sub Laboratorium Uji Tak Rusak NDT
  • Puspiptek - Serpong
    Gedung 71 (Lantai 1) KST BJ Habibie , Kel. Muncul, Kec. Setu, Kota Tangerang Selatan 15314
  • 08119811572
  • labrads@brin.go.id
  • Service Unit: -
  • Service Duration: 1 Working Days
  • Service Quota Per Day: 5
  • Service Capacity: 1 -
  • Minimum Amount: 1
Marketing Office
Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
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Computed Radiography (CR) is a Digital Radiography that can replace conventional radiography in making radiographic film processes easier and faster without the need for Darkroom. This tool uses an image plate film that can be used up to 1,000 times exposure. The scanning process takes approximately 8 minutes (depending on the desired resolution) and the resulting image can be directly evaluated and analyzed using D-Tect X software connected to a computer deviceComputed Radiography (CR) is a Digital Radiography that can replace conventional radiography in making radiographic film processes easier and faster without the need for Darkroom. This tool uses an image plate film that can be used up to 1,000 times exposure. The scanning process takes approximately 8 minutes (depending on the desired resolution) and the resulting image can be directly evaluated and analyzed using D-Tect X software connected to a computer device.Computed Radiography (CR) is a Digital Radiography that can replace conventional radiography in making radiographic film processes easier and faster without the need for Darkroom. This tool uses an image plate film that can be used up to 1,000 times exposure. The scanning process takes approximately 8 minutes (depending on the desired resolution) and the resulting image can be directly evaluated and analyzed using D-Tect X software connected to a computer device.Computed Radiography (CR) is a Digital Radiography that can replace conventional radiography in making radiographic film processes easier and faster without the need for Darkroom. This tool uses an image plate film that can be used up to 1,000 times exposure. The scanning process takes approximately 8 minutes (depending on the desired resolution) and the resulting image can be directly evaluated and analyzed using D-Tect X software connected to a computer deviceComputed Radiography (CR) is a Digital Radiography that can replace conventional radiography in making radiographic film processes easier and faster without the need for Darkroom. This tool uses an image plate film that can be used up to 1,000 times exposure. The scanning process takes approximately 8 minutes (depending on the desired resolution) and the resulting image can be directly evaluated and analyzed using D-Tect X software connected to a computer device

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • Other Supporting File
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.12 MB
Template Photo 0 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB